The Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research (BAB) is a socio-economic research institute located in Austria. BAB conducts research on the Austrian agricultural sector, both with a national focus and in the international context.
The Austrian research institute “Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research” (BAB) acts in the LIVERUR project as scientific support and as interface between science and practice in rural development. It cares for dissemination of project results in the scientific, consultants’ and practitioners’ community, presenting and promoting LIVERUR results in national and international conferences and articles in scientific and technical journals (e.g. Lithuania, Czech Republic, Austria).
Currently BAB works very intensively on the draft of the RAIN business model concept that will be implemented in the LIVERUR pilot regions in 2020.
(Graph: Grüneis et al. 2019, ÖKL 2019, Wagner et al. 2019)