On 25th and 26th of November 2020, the 6th Transnational Project Meeting was held. Like each meeting, the entire LIVERUR consortium was scheduled to travel to one of the partner countries to do two days of collaborative work. However, due to the COVID-19 situation, the meeting was held telematically.
The program of the first day was this:
- Introduction and programme presentation – Presentation of the progress in terms of management and coordination (WP1)
- Presentation of the progress of the WP7
- Pilots: state-of-the-art (WP5)
- Presentation of the progress of the WP6, RAIN feedback per platform section
The meeting started with the welcome to Mrs Kozacenko, the new REA Project Officer for LIVERUR since May 2020, who has shown her satisfaction with the first results of the project, according to the positive feedback received from the review procedure of the first reporting period.
Work Package 1 informed about the networking activities organized by DG AGRI in which LIVERUR has been involved, as the Rural Policy Coordinators’ Day. Rural H2020 Cluster. 12/11/2020, or a CORDIS article, that will be published on CORDIS platform shortly.
After that, the Communication Team, led by Blas Subiela, presented the Communication and Dissemination results achieved until the date. On the other hand, Natalia Susana Silva, from FRCT Azores, informed about the progress done in the WP5 and the next steps to be taken in the forthcoming months. WP6 presented the progress on the RAIN Platform development and thanks to all the partners and participants as well as the LAB members who contributed to get this platform as it is now as a beta version.
On the afternoon session, three workshops were held:
- WORKSHOP WP1. LIVERUR Cluster of Publications
- WORKSHOP WP5. Farmers and their engagement in digital meetings
- WORKSHOP WP6. RAIN solutions and open discussion
On the second day, the consortium attended to the LIVERUR Dissemination and Exploitation Session, H2020 Booster. This session was moderated by Bart Romanow – Oxford Research – META. The day was organised on three items:
- Exploitation Strategy Seminar
- Exploitation Strategy Seminar: KER 1 working group
- Exploitation Strategy Seminar: KER 2 working group workshop/discussion