On 14 May 2020, a Skype meeting was held on the enhancement of the municipal territory of Paciano, in order to create a model of RURAL LIVING LAB that puts in close connection agriculture, tourism, cultural heritage, traditions and history of a municipality that has strong and interesting connotations for the future realization of a circular economy system and open innovation. This small town, falling in the pilot area of Trasimeno, can be realistically defined COVIDFREE (no case of infection in the last three months)!

After a brief presentation of the LIVERUR Project, many issues were addressed and the many offers were highlighted according to tourism, agriculture and culture of the territory of Paciano.

The emphasis was on the need for an eco-museum policy and on the need to create, enhance and maintain specific “paths” that connect the rural, historical, cultural and landscape aspects of the Territory of Paciano. Including the possibility of creating a COVIDFREE territory!

The Mayor of Paciano considers it essential and urgent to create a network of services for the territory and to give added value to the many aspects that already characterize the municipality of Paciano.

Some priority objectives have been set for the future:

  •  create a product and process “brand” that attracts visitors
  • boosting e-commerce
  • create valuable social initiatives, including volunteering
  • boost social and educational activities (teaching farms, courses, slowtourism, etc.)
  • join digital platforms to meet demand and supply of agricultural, tourism and fisheries products     and services
  • increase and enhance the irrigation resource from Trasimeno lake
  • create a proximity offer, in which the visitor/tourist can not only stay and eat at the farmhouses, but also visually participate in the many typical agricultural processes of the territory, especially the production of olive oil, fruit, wine, etc.
  • put all educational farms, farmhouses and tasting companies in a specific network
  • enhance the use of the residues and by-products from agriculture
  • stimulate an increasing use of renewable energies.


Written by: Paolo Burini, from UCT.