The establishment of an Advisory Board of external experts ensures the feasibility and transferability of the outputs, together with the consistency of LIVERUR progresses with horizontal and ethical principles.
Specific objectives
To achieve the project objectives and deliverables within budget and time constraints.
To ensure adequate and appropriate resource use and accounts.
To communicate efficiently with the European Commission, including timely reporting.
To promote and facilitate collaboration between partners.
To provide annual reports and obtain audit certificates as required from each of the participants.
To ensure the iteration of the project according to the four horizonal principles.
To ensure high quality standard thanks to the establishment of the Project Coordination Committee.
To protect the project from possible risks and impediments thanks to a coherent risk management plan.
Advisory Board profile

Brigitte Trousse, Ph.D.
President of French Network of Living Labs & Co-founder of ENoLL & Senior Researcher in Artificial intelligence & Design at Inria, University Côte d’Azur
Brigitte Trousse is a senior researcher at Inria (, member of Côte d’Azur University. For more than 30 years, Brigitte Trousse has been conducting interdisciplinary research into Artificial Intelligence for supporting complex design processes in collaboration with researchers in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. At Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerrannée, she was the scientific leader of the AID (“AI in Design”) research team (1995 -2001) then of the AxIS project-team (2002-2013) analysing the use of digital services (for assessment and customisation purposes). Her research into AI has evolved naturally from “user-centred design” to “user-driven design” and from “analysing usage” to “measuring user experience and studying changes in behaviour” within ICT innovation projects conducted according to the “Living Lab” method.
In 2002 Brigitte Trousse was involved in the governance of the Laboratoire des Usages STIC at Sophia Antipolis, which became the ICT Usage Lab, the first Living Lab in France to become a member of ENoLL in 2006, the European Network of Living Labs. Since 2007 she has been very active in Europe and nationally, co-coordinating the French network of Living Labs. In 2010 with two other foreign colleagues she started the first Living Labs European Summer School at the Cité des Sciences in Paris now called the Open Living Labs Days. In September 2011, given the significant number of ENoLL labelled Living Labs in France (25), Brigitte Trousse along with representatives of 21 other French Living Labs decided to create “France Living Labs” to represent the Network of French and French speaking Living Labs. She is now the President. She has been co-coordinating the Francophone Network of Living Labs since August 2014, a network supported by the “Commission Permanente de Coopération France – Québec” CPCFQ (January 2015 – April 2017) and which she represents from 2015 on ENoLL’s Board of Directors.

Jeroen Knol, Ph.D.
Managing Director of the EFFoST Association (European Federation of Food Science and Technology)
Dr. Knol has a scientific background in the use of computational models in product design & quality management. Since 2008 he is coordinating several multi-disciplinary projects on sustainable and healthy foods including setting up of pilot productions, coordination of experiments, consumer research, supply chain management and technological developments.
Specialties: Consumer Studies, Food Chemistry, Food Quality and Safety, Food Sciences, Food Technology, Human Nutrition, Marketing, Mechanistic modelling, Empirical modelling, Food Analysis (HPLC, GC-MS), Food Processing.

Eric Seulliet, Ph.D.
President Le Fabrique de Futur (Think Thank) and member of the French Network of Living Labs
FDF (Le Fabrique de Futur) defines itself as an operational “think network” about future trends, foresight and innovation. At first, FDF could be described as a “think network” with mission of promoting new approaches regarding innovation: user-centric innovation, design thinking, co-creation with users, etc.
From its early age, FDF had a special interest in the field of 3D, virtual worlds, augmented reality, etc. as we consider these tools and technologies as particularly pertinent for co-creation processes.
In 2008, FDF became officially a living lab within the ENoLL network (3rd wave) under the name “3D Living Innovation”. Not surprisingly, the focus of our living lab is about 3D and virtual reality. 3D Living Innovation is the first living lab totally dedicated to 3D.

Mónica Gomez Oliveira Rocha
Technical coordinator at “Cozinha Económica Angrense” (local soup kitchen) for 14 years
Degree in Social Education from Escola Superior de Educação do Porto.
Postgraduate in Risk Behaviours from the University of the Azores.
Technical coordinator at “Cozinha Económica Angrense” (local soup kitchen) for 14 years.
Member of the Regional Legislative Assembly since 2016.
Vice president of Terceira Island’s Food Bank Against Hunger for the past eight years.
Coordinator of ASTECIA’s Distribution Commission.
President of Bio Azórica for the past eight years.
The LIVERUR project identifies innovative business models within the newly developed Circular Rural Living Labs, and will conduct socio-economic-technology analyzes to identify, describe and compare the differences between the new approach of Living Lab and more entrepreneurial traditional approaches (mass production, development of prices, optimizing cost structures with companies, rationalization).
The LIVERUR project involves more than 20 European partners from peripheral areas in which the development of the rural economy is vital for their survival. Although LIVERUR is focused on Europe, one of the partners is located in Tunisia, which provides a greater internationalization to the project.