Regional living labs for agroecology
October 20, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm UTC+1
The workshop will assemble a mixed audience of regional and local authorities, scientists, sectoral stakeholders, members of civil society and policymakers to discuss how to scale up agroecology through synergies in the implementation of EU funds in 2021-2027, with a specific focus on Horizon Europe, the ERDF and the EAFRD.
In the first half of the workshop, opened by a welcoming address from the CoR and ERIAFF, the Commission will introduce participants to initiatives planned under Horizon Europe, such as the candidate European R&I partnership on agroecology living labs, in which regions could be potential partners, and under the agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI).
Examples from North Brabant (NL), Brittany (FR) and Central Macedonia (EL), three regions actively involved in supporting this type of initiative through their smart specialisation strategies, regional policies or rural development plans, will be invited to inspire other regions to get involved.
This will trigger a participatory dialogue in the second half of the workshop on regions’ motivations for taking part, perceived barriers and potential solutions.
Susana Gaona Saez, Research programme officer, European Commission, Belgium.
Alexia ROUBY, Research programme officer, European Commission, Belgium.
Marion Guilcher, Agricultural policy officer at the agriculture service, Conseil régional de Bretagne, France.
Vicky Kristallidou, Deputy director general, American Farm School, Greece.
Simon Maas, Project manager S3FOOD & PROTEIN, AgriFood Capital, Netherlands.
Kerstin Rosenow, Head of Unit Research and innovation, European Commission, Belgium.
Roberto Scalacci, Director for agriculture and rural development, Tuscany region, Italy.
Green Europe
European Commission, European Committee of the Regions, Tuscany Region
English (EN), Français (FR), Italiano (IT)
Register by 27th September: https://europa.eu/regions-and-cities/programme/sessions/1103_en