In the 4th Project Meeting of LIVERUR, that took place in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and organized by Fondazione E35, partners could attend to the presentation of Quelimane Agricola Project, leaded by the Italian NGO “Mani Tese”.
Fondazione E35 borned in 2015 with the aim of supporting the international and european promotion in the italian territory of Reggio and attracting economic resources and new business and associations to the region. Fondazione E35 is formed by different representative organism of the region: Municipality of Reggio Emilia , Province of Reggio Emilia , Cassa di Risparmio Pietro Manodori Foundation, Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia and CRPA.
This LIVERUR partner is a member of Quelimane Agricola Project too, in which NGO Manitese, University of Florence, ICEI NGO, Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Municipality of Qualimane (MZ) and Polytechnic University of Quelimane (MZ) are involved.
Some of these project members attended to the 4th Project Meeting to present the Quelimane Agricola activities, that aim for contributing to sustainable rural business in Zambezia province through strengthening the local agri-food system and their main actors: producers, private sector and local policy makers.
The Fondazione E35 and Municipality of Reggio Emilia contribution to the project is the training of the farmers through training courses on the management of cooperative enterprises, in order to better promote management of local agricultural enterprises and better marketing of products; in addition to promoting the creation of local food chains capable of increasing the income and food security of citizens living in extreme poverty.