“Regional specialties – an internet platform for the support of local producers and direct sales of their products”
The availability of local products and the support of local farmers are topics that are gaining in importance due to the current coronavirus situation.
Last year, WirelessInfo prepared tools for the online sale of farm products at the local level and at the same time for the promotion of individual farms in the region of interest. The basis of this solution is the connection of regional information about farmers and their available products with an internet platform for trading in these products.
At the webinar, we will introduce you to some of the options for using these tools, as well as experiences from pilot operations in the Klatovy region.
Webinar program:
Regional specialities – technological solutions (Petr Horák, Wirelessinfo)
Experience from pilot testing (Tomáš Zelený, Šumavaprodukt s.r.o. – Farm shop Sušice)
Significance for the region (Radana Šašková, Úhlava o.p.s. – Klatovy)