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The International Conference on Climate Change BOOSTING TRANSFORMATION PATHWAYS is concentrate on the development of specific policies, instruments and financial tools that fight the consequences of climate change.

The conference to be held on 18 and 19 November at Vera Campus to discuss the scale, complexity and urgency of the issue, from which contacts and public-private partnership initiatives should arise.

– Ms. María José Sanz, Scientific Director, Basque Centre for Climate Change, former IPCC
– Mr. Luis Balairon, former Director, Spain Climate Change Programme, IPCC
– Ms. Clara de la Torre, EC, Deputy Director General, DG Clima
– Mr. Stephane Ouaki, EC, Head of Financial Instruments, DG RTD
– Mr. Roman Doubrava, EC, Deputy Head of Unit Climate, DG Clima
– Ms. Birthe Bruhn-Leon, BEI, Head of Operations in Spain and Portugal
– Mr. Antongiulio Marin, EC, Deputy Head of Unit Transport Investment, DG Move.
– Mr. Eduardo González, Government of Spain, Ministry of Ecologic Transition.
– Ms. Paula Tuzón, Generalitat Valenciana, Secretariat for Climate Emergency and Ecologic Transition.

Register here: https://bit.ly/2oYQzae

Find the full programme here: https://innovacion.webs.upv.es/docs/ClimateConferenceUPV-Program.pdf

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