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This year’s conference of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) will be organised in partnership with the Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS) in Bled, Slovenia. The conference is expected to draw an audience of 150 – 200, including central actors and decision-makers from universities and colleges, as well as practitioners and policy-makers from government departments, international institutions, non-governmental organisations and think tanks.

Emilija Stojmenova Duh will present LIVERUR and some of our activities at the  ACA conference titled “The engaged university. Linking the global and the local”. Conference site: https://acaevents.events.idloom.com/the-engaged-university-linking-the-global-and-the-local

Her presentation »Go Digital: FabLab Network, DIHs, Smart Villages” is available here:

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