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Two of our slovenian pilot regions will meet this Friday in Kungota in order to learn from each other’s best practices. Local representatives from coastal region (Šmarje) will be hosted in Intergenerational house and welcomed by the mayor of Kungota Ms. Tamara Šnofl . Intergenerational House hosts and organizes numerous activities and events and is developing as a core hub for a wide range of diverse smart actions ensuring intergenerational involvement and cooperation within the municipality and beyond.

They will visit Leber-Vracko Farm and meet the women running a touristic farm. They will learn about how they gradually introduced IT into the process of specialization of farming in the field of livestock processing industry and viticulture.

The event will also be an opportunity for discussion about future cooperation. Both regions share the same vision: to be development-oriented municipality, successful and excellent in promoting tourism, agriculture and entrepreneurship in rural areas.

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