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On Monday 7/10 there is a meeting of various organisations under Plan4all (Wirelessinfo including) with the representatives of Pilsen Region and The University of West Bohemia. The meeting is organised in order to introduce the core of the activities of Plan4all and its flagships (most of them are under the H2020 platform, some of the projects belong to the Interreg Programm). And to find the most suitable way how to interconnect such activities and both agendas and let the rural areas benefit from them.
The close cooperation is initiated on the basis of Mr Karel Charvat’s lecture “Smart Village” held on 30 August 2019 at the Pilsen Brewery, where the Pilsen Region showed interest in introducing our activities.
This meeting with the leadership of the Pilsen Region is also very important for LIVERUR project. They are especially interested in the main Uhlava o.p.s. pilot action to create the living lab with a special focus on end-users: the farmers from a specific area which is traditionally marked as a very remote and thus not very interesting area. These locations and people living there would definitely deserve out special interest.
The programme of the whole day meeting is here (mostly in the Czech language).
Photos are downloadable here:

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