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The COVID 19 INSPIRE Hackathon will be already the 17th hackathon organised by the Plan4All association in cooperation with CCSS and other H2020 projects including SmartAgriHubs.

It will be based on the traditional model of the INSPIRE Hackathon, which is not a single event, it’s a process that is designed to efficiently exploit the achieved results of previous hackathons on developing new innovations.

COVID 19 INSPIRE Hackathon 2020 develops and shares agri-food economy solutions to balance the imperatives of the present with the demands of the future. In COVID 19 Hackathon we will address next topics:

  • Facilitate access to data and services for an easier digital innovation in the agri-food sectors / 3-4 expected Challenges
  •  Educating individuals from other sectors for being able to support agri-food businesses in the crisis / 1 expected challenge
  • Forecasting of regional food supplies, deviations and/or shortages / 3-4 expected challenges
  • Mobilising agricultural workforce for harvesting / 1 – 2 expected challenges
  • Regional matching of offer and demand for fresh produce in decentralised settings / 1 expected challenge

This hackathon has several components in it within a relatively short period of time:

  •  Introduction for the mentors 3 August 2020
  •  Final definition of challenges 10 August 2020
  • Virtual hackathon kick-off 15 August 2020
  • Webinar week(s) 7 – 18 September 2020
  • Progress report no. 1 delivered by 30 September 2020
  • Progress report no 2 delivered by TBD
  • Final presentations or videos ready for the final virtual event – by TBD
  • Presentation at the final virtual hackathon event TBD

An important component of the INSPIRE hackathons is the webinars section – see the webinars from the previous Kampala INSPIRE Hackathon. The webinars act as both promotion of the hackathon, capacity building offer, and it enables discussions of the challenges to be addressed by the teams. The mentors are asked to identify relevant topics, in addition to a general presentation of the challenge. Mentors are encouraged to invite external experts to talk about relevant aspects of the challenge. The organizers (Plan4all) will support the implementation of the webinars based on the information from the mentors.

To Do (after hackathon kick-off) 

  • Define the topic and set exact date(s) for the webinar(s) & invite speakers to the webinar. 
  • Fill in the webinar template

The Call for Challenge proposals on COVID 19 INSPIRE Hackathon is open until the 10 August 2020. 

Please send your challenge proposals in pdf file to hana.kubickova@plan4all.eu

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