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Our partner of Dar Margoum Oudhref organizes,  in partnership with the Youth Hostel in Oudhref and The Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts in Gabes, three outstanding workshops  on 26th, 27th and 28th of February 2021.

The workshops consist of these activities :

Day 1 – 26 February 2021  :

  • Morning :  Fairand scientific interventions about the  natural dyeing.
  • Afternoon : Live workshops in the oasis about  dyeing.

Day 2 – 27 February 2021  :

  • Scientific interventions on design and its role in creating added value for the product . This day coincides with the launch of design workshops managed  by students of the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts under the supervision of professors specialized in Design.
  • Filming  a documentary on natural dyeing.

February Day 3 – 28 February 2021 :

  • Evaluating  students’ work, choosing the best and honoring the winners.
  • Honoring the teachers.
  • Honoring some craftswomen.



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