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RUBIZMO and LIVERUR – two Horizon 2020 projects identified innovative ideas for rural jobs and growth! At their Final Event on the 7th of October their results and tools will be presented to policymakers, advisors and rural entrepreneurs, as well as to the interested public audience. The event presents the opportunity to discuss and plan for the large-scale replication of innovative business models supporting sustainable growth and job creation in European rural areas.

Hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Peter Schmidt, the President of the NAT Section will open the event. During the panel discussion “Policy in Practice – How to support Europe´s rural entrepreneurs” founders of agricultural start-ups like Christine Hebert from Blue Lobster and Oana Maria Iliescu from Taina Vie will give insights in their secrets of success. Next to those experts in the field Piroska Kálay (EESC), David Lamb (ENRD) and Emilija Stojmenova Duh (University of Ljubjana) will share their knowledge on rural development.

In the first workshop round the participants will be able to learn more about the different tools the projects developed like the Virtual Library featuring 38 business cases, the Transformation Support Tool and the RAIN concept and tool. In a second workshop round it´s all about Cross-Regional Learning. Here best practices of how each region/partner facilitated rural innovation will be promoted and practical examples identified throughout the two projects will be featured.

Click here to register.

Written by: RUBIZMO

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