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The central theme of this conference is the role of business models in transition. During this fifth and final conference of this first series, they also like to look back and learn from their experiences of the past five years. They hope this creates the basis to design a research agenda for the next five years.

Special feature of this conference is that it will be organised in conjunction with the Dutch National Science Agency NWO and the Dutch National Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO. Hospitality to present their research programmes is offered  to both organisations. NBM @ Nijmegen 2020 will receive NWO funding to accommodate a separate track, with presentations of the eight research projects that run under the NWO National Program ‘Sustainable Business Models’ (running between 2016- 2022). In a separate track, the TNO track ‘Sustainable Business Modelling’ presents various models and tools, in six slots. The organisations independently organise their tracks and are restricted to presentations from the indicated programs. All presentations of these tracks are open to all conference participants.

More info here.

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