🇹🇷  Turkey

LIVERUR Pilot Region:
TR33 Region

Square Km:
13 269 km2

1 401 601 inhabitants

Political Region:
Manisa Province, Turkey

Rural Living Lab:
Rural Living Lab in raising production and transition from traditional to modern business model

In the coming decade, it is likely that a disproportionate share of global economic growth will take place in emerging markets which have traditionally been agriculture-based economies. In these markets, the number of middle-class consumers will rise rapidly which will be driven by continued migration of rural inhabitants into the cities. An emerging middle class creates changing dietary habits and consumes far more meat, fish, and dairy products than poorer consumers. In addition, these products require more grain inputs to achieve a given level of calories. Thus, not only will food demand rise due to a rising population, but also due to rising incomes.

Consumers are now demanding purer foods with less additives and clearer labelling which brings necessity for traceable and certified foods. Producers and food companies that embrace more stringent environmental and social standards, organic-certification requirements, and traceability standards should be able to better position themselves in the face of evolving regulation and continue to grow to take advantage of this trend.

Branded, packaged and processed food: There is an increase in innovation in processed foods with a more branded labels being created. More single people eating alone creating a different demand for packaged and processed food. There exists three quality logos attest to the specific traditions and qualities of food, agricultural products and wines, aromatised wines and spirit drinks, produced in the European Union or in other countries.

Organic food: This market segment has been growing rapidly for years and it is expected to continue its double digit growth, with some estimates indicating the segment should grow 14% between 2013 and 2018. The organic food movement should continue growing in popularity as consumers become increasingly aware of pesticides and genetically modified foods. The biggest obstacle to further growth is cost of producing, supplying and purchasing organic products, so those that can balance cost with an organic approach are likely to find favour with consumers.

All these trends in global markets suggest there are huge opportunities for the TR33 region, which has sound basis both organic and branded food production capabilities, however the main obstacle appears to be the scale of the operations and a very slow transition from family-owned and operated business model to more institutionalised management practises, which will be one of the main training opportunities within this project.

So, we would like create new business models for the transition and help companies to take place in this economic change.


The LIVERUR project identifies innovative business models within the newly developed Circular Rural Living Labs, and will conduct socio-economic-technology analyzes to identify, describe and compare the differences between the new approach of Living Lab and more entrepreneurial traditional approaches.


The LIVERUR project involves more than 20 European partners from peripheral areas in which the development of the rural economy is vital for their survival. Although LIVERUR is focused on Europe, one of the partners is located in Tunisia, which provides a greater internationalization to the project.