On December 11, 2019, at the IL CORNIOLO (Corciano) farmhouse, the fifth technical meeting was held between agricultural entrepreneurs and UCT representatives to define a circular economy model in the Trasimeno pilot area. Present, physically and via skype, about 10 agricultural and agritourism entrepreneurs, who are part of the EUTROPIA Association. The same intends to promote in the territory an ever wider model of integration between farms, associations, trade organizations, etc. for the production and associated management of goods and services.

In support of these initiatives there are new regulatory instruments (L.R. 1/2019) that allow supply chain contracts to reach the technical and economic requirements necessary for the realization of agrotourism activities .The EUTROPIA Association includes over 40 small and medium-sized farms that, for over a year, have jointly decided to undertake a common path based essentially on:

Compliance with minimum quality and health requirements for agricultural products;compliance with the basic ethical requirements of the participating companies; achievement of systems of “participatory guarantees” between producers, consumers and certification bodies; creation of an organizational and management network for local markets; realization of social events of knowledge and insertion of disadvantaged and difficult categories; creation of new generation “job sharing” contracts for companies that use third-party services; opening of local buying groups; achievement of environmental standards and recognition of processes; eco-design; associated procurement of materials and resources; joint management of waste and by-products (eg composting and woody biomass for heating); associated management of intercompany and local transport of materials and products; promotion of sustainable lifestyles (SLOWTOURISM); sharing of cultural values ​​and local traditions; growth of social inclusiveness and integration (eg work for migrants); less use of extra territorial resources; traceability of raw materials, second, products and services. The existing and developing model will be the object of a methodological study by the LIVERUR / UCT partners, as it is considered valid, consistent with the project objectives, replicable and above all extensible to the whole Trasimeno area.

Written by: Paolo Burini.