The Cooperativa Pescatori del Trasimeno was established on September 23, 1928 with the aim of improving the economic conditions and quality of life of the fishing partners. Composed of a workforce of at least fifty people, it defines itself as the guardian of a naturalistic environment such as Lake Trasimeno; a fragile but at the same time magical ecosystem in which the fishing partners live in perfect symbiosis and harmony, protecting their balances through fully sustainable fishing. In the face of its recent 90th anniversary, the elderly Cooperativa Pescatori del Trasimeno has been able to relaunch and renew its capabilities generating an income of about twenty million euros/year.

The most present fish species are Carp, Tinca, Pike, Royal Perch, Anguilla, Red Shrimp, Catfish, Carassio.

The latter, very weed, is valued to produce animal meal and food for school canteens. As well as fish, fishmeal is also rich in nutrients: mainly proteins (over 60%), then lipids and minerals.

In this area, too, a circular economy model is created which sees closely linked: fishermen’s cooperative, farmhouses, restaurants, school canteens, farms.

The Cooperative, in close connection with the Ichtiogenic Center of Magione, experiments with new reproductive technologies and offers an interesting opportunity to create models of AQUAPONICA, characterized by the link between fish farming and the production of vegetable crops that benefit from fish excretion as fertilizers, in a vertical space alternative to open field cultivation.


A circular model:


Written by Paolo Burini from UCT.