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The EU has launched a strategy to get a more balanced and sustainable diet. Farm2Fork Strategy will mark the start of environmental or political regulations, such as the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP).

The objective of this strategy is to reduce gas emissions and to improve the protection of the environment in all Europe.

Frans Timmermans, Vice-president of the European Commission and one of the main protagonists of this suggest, presented the project on May 20, coinciding with the launch of the Biodiversity Strategy presentation.

With all this, Farm to Fork aims to make 1/4 of the agricultural area of the EU for organic production, far from the 9.3% dedicated by Spain as leader in terms of planting area but not in percentage. Other European countries, such as Estonia or Sweden, exceed this 20% of organic agricultural production. Another of Farm2Fork goals is to reduce the use of pesticides in our fields by 50%, this challenge is very difficult but will be attempted.

Furthermore, local commerce will be promoted and, above all, the labeling will be transformed to highlight the origin of these products. And of course protect the landscape made by small farmers, promoting innovation and digitization in the agri-food chain.


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