At a time of great international emergency, the Corniolo farm located in the Pilot Region of Trasimeno ( organized an e-commerce activity for the sale of local agricultural and food products: fruits, cereal flours, breads, jams, vegetables, oil and wine. This tool allows people to enhance the markets at zero km and above all reduces the costs of processing, distribution and sales. The companies involved also offer social services such as the educational farm and the maintenance of the territory, in a circular economy logic. When it is possible to resume normal activities, the current experience will make a great contribution to local development according to a MODEL of LIVING LAB.

UCT is and will be on hand to build the real model of supply chain economic agreement. At this time, continuous contacts are under way via Skype to communicate LIVERUR project goals.

It will aim to enhance the food and wine supply chain and rural tourism with a particular focus on the issues of slow tourism with a focus on companies, associations, groupings of actors to support agri-food production and those dedicated to customer services: all these factors will have to tend to organize a promotion and territorial marketing area that points to the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives that know how to make circular economy and social inclusion.

Written by Paolo Burini, from UCT.