During the second WORKSHOP, programmed as part of the activities of identifying the models of realization of a Living Rural Lab in the pilot area of Trasimeno (RAIN principles), UCT&SOGESCA were able to define objectives, actions and needs. Below they are summarized according to the different and pre-important agricultural areas of the territory.

Stronger connection between: agriculture, tourism, environment and territory, according a circular model.
Creation of an identity manifest of the territory that illustrates the above defined.
Strengthening the integration between different economic activities through a physical and digital network.
Creation of a territorial brand that indicates and summarizes the main elements of quality, assurance, healthiness and safety of the products and services of the area.

Cereals and horticulture: reduction of use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, reuse of straw and stock, recycling of organic waste.

Olive cultivation: reduction of pesticide use, reuse of woody and green biomass, recycling of sanse, peanut, vegetation waters and washing.

Viticulture: reduction of use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, reuse of pruning, pomace, lees, etc.

Fish farming: reduction of the use of chemicals, reuse of waste material (e.g. fishmeal), recycling of packaging material, etc.

Forests: reduction of energy consumption, recovery of woody biomass, reuse of carpentry and industrial material.

Agritourism: reduction of water and energy consumption, recovery of organic material (e.g. catering), reuse of waste material (waste, water, biomass). Practical Examples: production of renewable energy from woody biomass for heating rooms , sales items on local markets, recycled consumer material (e.g. dishes, paper, plastic, etc.).

Digitalization Examples in use:

  1. Olive oil supply chain (digital control of chemical and organoleptic parameters).
  2. Cultivation in greenhouses and hydroponics (digital control of irrigation and fertilization).
  3. Fisheries (processing, packaging and sales processes).
  4. Open field irrigation (computerised irrigation systems for resource saving).
  5. Digital platforms for meeting the supply and demand of products and services.

Written by Paolo Burini from UCT.