Bioeconomy is the set of activities aimed at creating products and services through the use of biological resources. Its purpose is to generate economic value by providing these products and services to all the economic sectors in a eco-efficient manner.

Bioeconomy aims to get a economic development, not only in the food sector, but also in forest production, bioproducts creation and bioenergy. Therefore, coordination between public and private sectors, in particular between those are dedicated to technological and scientific development, is necessary. 

Productive activities affected by bioeconomy (agri-food, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, chemistry, bioenergy and water) get their organics materials from the same places where they developed: rural environment. Under the approach of bioeconomy, new activities will emerge that, together with theme, promote the rural environment towards sustainability and efficiency. 

EU founded in 2012 a strategy named “Innovating for Sustainable Growth: a Bioeconomy for Europe” that aims bioeconomy development in Europe. It is based in three main principles:

  • Creating new technologies and productive processes that promote sustainability and energetic efficiency and resource exploitation. 
  • Promoting markets and competitiveness in sectors affected by bioeconomy.
  • Cooperation between European policy makers and private stakeholders.

Bioeconomy is integrated within circular economy, which means that all the biological resources used in bioeconomy sectors must maintain all their value along the production chain, so that all resources exploited in full.