The first container for organic waste collection has been installed today in Abarán (Murcia, Spain) next to LiverurEuroVértice and CIRC4Life EU Project, making it one of the first localities in the Region of Murcia to participate in this pilot experience. Although initially a single container for organic waste has been installed in the San Miguel Arcángel Cooperative, in the future it is planned that the use of this type of container will be established as standard in other areas of the municipality.

Indeed, participants in the project will be able to deposit their waste in a biodegradable bag to which they must attach a sticker that identifies them and that will allow them to obtain rewards through the CIRC4LIFE mobile application.

In addition to this, the brown bin is intended to go one step further in selective collection and to separate some waste such as eggshells, fruit skins, etc. The waste that is deposited in it will be used as organic fertiliser, which in principle can be used in the educational garden and also in parks and gardens in the municipality.