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On 24 November 2021, the Federal Institute for Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, together with the project partners Regional Management Burgenland, Regional Management Styrian Central Region and Centre for Social Innovation, organised an online seminar on the topic of “Regional Transformation – Research as a Contribution to Regional Development”.

Project staff from research and practice presented and discussed new concepts for sustainable regional development, cooperation and innovation as well as practical experiences of selected pilot regions.

The Horizon 2020 project LIVERUR presented a newly developed concept for business models that integrates basic principles such as sustainability, open innovation, circular economy, etc. in the form of a Living Lab approach. The Horizon 2020 project ROBUST explored urban-rural relationships and helps to better tap existing synergies. The Interreg project CERUSI focuses on linking regional social capital and transnational knowledge networks to support local actors in developing social enterprises and innovations.

The following were mentioned as practical examples: the micro-mobility offers GUST-Mobil and timMobil in the pilot region Styrian Central Region as well as the Kellerstöckl-Resort in the nature park Weinidylle and the Lab Caravan as support for local actors and social innovation in the pilot region South Burgenland.

More than 70 persons attended the seminar.

Involved EU-Research Projects:



Presentations (only in German):

  • Foliensatz CERUSI – Konzepte
  • Foliensatz CERUSI – Pilotregion Südburgenland
  • Foliensatz LIVERUR – RAIN-Konzept
  • Foliensatz LIVERUR – Pilotregion Südburgenland
  • Foliensatz ROBUST – Konzept und Pilotregion Steirischer Zentralraum

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