LIVERUR project holds its Knowledge Trasnfer Session, three sessions to diseminate theis main outcomes about circular economy, exemplified in their Pilot Regions.

UCAM University leads the LIVERUR project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020,  where a circular economy system has been established to aid in creation of new business models. To this end, feasibility studies, legal advice or economic analysis using models of the economy of the future are included. During July, the Knowledge Transfer Session takes place with the Consortium of the project, guests of the European Union, H2020 project’s leaders and stakeholders. These sessions are focused on showing the results obtained during these three years of the project.

LIVERUR aims to support businesses, projects and initiatives in designing innovative business models in rural areas, moving towards a Circular Economy and including all important stakeholders by following the Living Lab approach. In this project, it is also being possible to fight against youth depopulation, create wealth and improve the quality of life of the rural world.

As for the results, a book will soon be published, reflecting all the data and the evaluation of the pilot tests, becoming a guide for the rest of the countries and organizations. Finally, it is planned to innovatively supervise projects in the rural area of the different European regions that have participated in the project. This activity will be developed in a co-create way between the partners of each country together with the rural companies that want to continue growing looking for the most innovative way of improvement.