The harvest began in Umbria from the second half of August and in the cellars we work thinking about the product that will be made, the wine, among the excellences of the region, worthy of being celebrated and shared! This is why the Umbrian wineries offer experiences suitable for young and old visitors: tastings, grape harvesting, crushing with your feet in the vats!

The knowledge of the techniques of harvesting and processing grapes is fully part of the experience tourism activities that will be, from now on, a fundamental element of the development of the LIVING LAB TRASIMENO. The many wineries in the area are adapting and changing towards a closely connected agricultural and tourist offer.

Social inclusion and connection to cultural and local market circuits complete the rural development model proposed within the LIVERUR European Project with the strengthening of the local economy and cost reduction, also through precise economic supply chain agreements between farms, processing companies and accommodation facilities.

All this will be carried out in close collaboration with the Association “Strada del Vino Colli del Trasimeno”.

Written by: Paolo Burini – UCT