With regional Law n. 10678 of 19/11/2020, the call aimed at encouraging aggregations of the short supply chain in the olive growing sector was issued, as part of the RDP for Umbria 2014-2020 – Type of Intervention 16.4.1. The budget is EUR 5 million.

The call provides for the establishment of partnerships between agricultural enterprises and companies that directly process and sell the product of agricultural producers and that are the only intermediaries between farmers and the market, buying directly from the farmer and taking all the necessary steps to bring the final product to the market.

This legislative instrument also offers the economy of the Territory of Trasimeno a further possibility of development involving agricultural enterprises, processing companies, cooperatives and producer associations, in a logic of supply chain and strong integration. The activities related to the agricultural sector can be further strengthened through an economic supply chain agreement, also in a logic of circularity and the creation of local markets or zero KM sales.


Written by Paolo Burini from UCT.