The agriculture plays an important role in the food production. But, also, it creates economic and environmental benefits in the society. It is important to consider that the farming sector needs limited natural resources, that’s why is necessary to reuse and optimise them. By this way, agriculture will continue to be a key determinant of the economy.

Also, farming sector operates in a favourable production environment in Europe. Although, the agricultural structures are very diverse and this allows to satisfy the different needs of consumers that depend on the country and the resources that they have. How ever, income in the farming sector is generally low and below what can be achieved in other sectors in the economy.

Around the world, the consumption patterns are changing and developing thanks to the implementation of new trends like circular economy, bio-economy or green economy. The European consumers are increasingly looking for the agricultural products that they consume to be favorable to the environment at all stages of their production.

The development of circular agriculture is still growing up thanks to the population growth, increased purchasing power and a shift in consumption patterns. Also, the agricultural sector is expected to continue his development in the incoming years in countries with high population growth. That’s means that the promising future markets are in territories like India, China and South-East Asia. Furthermore, it’s expected that the traditional exports markets, like United States or the Middle East, continue to be key export markets due to their import needs of these products. 

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