On 9 July 2020, in the territory of Trasimeno, the last organizational and dissemination meeting of the objectives and activities related to the European LIVERUR Project was held. The topic discussed was that of the olive oil supply chain in the pilot area of Trasimeno (over 1000 hectares).

Attending the meeting were Dr. Louis Montagnoli, Mr. Ciro Maneggia (private enterprise), the Councilor of the Municipality of Panicale Stefano Coppetti (representing the cooperative system) and other producers of olive oil. There are more than twenty stakeholders identified in the territory, including two large Cooperatives: Oil Factory “Progress” and Oil Factory “Pozzuolese”.

The production chain is currently well organized, but the integration between companies, the development of the gastronomic and tourist offer linked to the consumption of oil, the increased recovery and use for energy purposes and fertilizers of olive and hazelnut sanses must be strengthened.

After a general assessment of the sector, the following steps were decided in line with LIVERUR objectives:


  • contribution to the joint organisation of the local olive oil market;
  • to stimulate the comparison between companies for greater recovery and energy enhancement of by-products and processing waste;
  • enhancement for educational and research purposes of olive groves in Polvese Island (park area);
  • creating a brand that guarantees the origin and quality of the product; 
  • synergy between all the transformers present in the territory of Trasimeno (crushers);
  • inclusion of olive farms in the main slow tourism routes;
  • restoration of abandoned olive groves for landscape purposes.


Paolo Burini (UCT)