LIVERUR project meets RUBIZMO to reforce their economic business models in rural areas.

H2020 LIVERUR project, which  has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020, participate in the RUBIZMO Summer School event, its sister project.  In this event, with UCAM at project coordinator, the results of the different business models in rural areas, that have been developed from both projects, have been exchanged. 

On the one hand, LIVERUR has achieved, as results of its project, the creation of a new business model concept: RAIN (RegionAl cIrcular liviNg lab business model concept) and the platform with the same name: RAIN Platform, which is focused to guide entrepreneurs, future entrepreneurs, legislators, … This methodology has been focused on the development of business model to rural context and taking into account the various regional characteristics. This project combines Living Labs theories, with a total of 12 Pilot Regions distributed around the world, and the Circular Economy.

On the other hand, RUBIZMO has developed a virtual library, totally free of charge, where rural entrepreneurs can explore proven business models and examples, in order to help them recreate economic success on their land. This final version has had a total of 50 business models with success stories at an international level.

The next days 21, 22 and 23 July; the final results of the LIVERUR project will be presented through free talks for the dissemination of knowledge. These days will be held electronically and can be viewed through Youtube. They will involve various guests such as agents of the European Commission, researchers from other H2020 initiatives and organizations close to the circular economy and rural environments.